"The Best Care For Your Best Friend."
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by a spirochete, an organism similar to bacteria. It can cause illness in many types of animals, including dogs and cats. People that come in contact with an animal that has leptospirosis can also be infected. The remainder of this article will look at the spread, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of leptospirosis.
Spread. Leptospirosis can be spread from animal to animal in many different ways. The organism is typically shed in the urine. The organism can be carried in food, water, and soil that becomes contaminated by urine. It can enter an animal (or human) through any open wound or directly through the mucus membranes of the mouth, eyes, or respiratory tract.
Signs. Since leptospirosis organisms can infect many different organ systems, signs can vary greatly. Signs can include any or all of the following: fever, loss of appetite, depression, vomiting, muscle tenderness, shock, clotting problems, kidney problems, and liver problems.
Diagnosis. Diagnosis may be difficult. Workup should include a complete blood count, a chemistry panel, and a urinalysis. Serology and/or cultures may be necessary to prove the presence of the organism.
Treatment. Treatment should include supportive care and be aimed at correcting the problems at hand. Treatment may include IV catheter placement and administration of fluids, blood transfusions, and antibiotics.
Prevention. There are vaccinations available for the prevention of leptospirosis. Most canine distemper combination vaccines include a vaccine for leptospirosis. At least two doses are required initially with boosters strongly recommended annually. Current vaccinations cover 2 or 4 different types or serovars of leptospirosis, however, there are other, lesser common serovars that can cause an infection that does not have vaccinations available at this time.
The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to take the place of your regular veterinarian. Please do not hesitate to contact your regular veterinarian if you have questions regarding your pet.
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