"The Best Care For Your Best Friend."
Coco presented with a chronic history of hair loss (alopecia) and intense itching. Diagnostic testing revealed the presence of Sarcoptic mange with a secondary bacterial infection. In addition, Coco had severe dry eye or KCS.
Coco was treated with antibiotics for the bacterial infection, Revolution for sarcoptic mange, and cyclosporine eye drops for the dry eye.
Over the next several months, Coco improved significantly. Sarcoptic mange is a contagious mite that is easily transmitted from dog to dog. In addition, sarcoptic mange is zoonotic--people can become infected. Other dermatologic diseases including Demodex (a different mite), allergies, bacterial infections, yeast infections, and autoimmune diseases can cause similar dermatologic diseases. A careful history, physical exam, and appropriate diagnostic testing are necessary for correct diagnosis and treatment.
This is Coco today...with plenty of hair!
Special thanks to Coco's owners for allowing us to share this case.
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